
Financial Guidance That Brings Clarity

Fiduciary vs Securities Offered Through? Q&A Video
September 16, 2020

  Transcript of the video: Hello my name is Lee Shertzer and I’m managing partner at Stewardship Advisors here in Mount Joy. I want to talk to you today about the difference between fiduciary vs a “securities offered through” firm. I have worked in this industry for the last 35 years and gained a deeper […]

Is There a Link Between Physical and Financial Fitness?
September 9, 2020

Is there a link between physical fitness and financial fitness? This was the question that popped into my head last week as I jogged through my neighborhood pushing my 1-year-old and 3-year-old in a double jogging stroller. I like to exercise without any added visual or audio stimulus because I find this is one of […]

Taxes are Due on Unemployment Benefits
September 4, 2020

This year is an anomaly, and your taxes might also be. But be prepared and pay those needed estimates. According to a June Bankrate.com survey, 49% of U.S. adults lamented, “their income has been hurt by the coronavirus pandemic and related shelter-in-place orders.” And as of August 8 of this year, the U.S. Department of […]

Structure is needed in a financial plan. Simply stated, financial planning is putting together a plan for your future. How will you manage your finances and prepare for your future, while also taking care of today? At Stewardship Advisors, we work with you to anticipate your life transitions and to be financially prepared for them…by […]

Using Financial Cairns to Guide Your Journey
August 26, 2020

A few years ago, on a hike in Colorado, I had my first experience with cairns. A cairn is a human-made pile of stones that can be used for many things like noting a landmark, or in this case, indicating the best path forward for hikers–essentially marking the trail to the destination. In our case, […]

the market
SA: Q+A Vol. 1
August 19, 2020

Client Question: “How will the upcoming elections affect my portfolio?” My Answer: The stock market is apolitical, meaning it does not matter which party is elected. The stock market just wants a strong economy, which leads to a strong stock price. Over the long run, the stock market will follow the economy. If the economy […]

529 Plan: Tax Strategy
August 12, 2020

When most people think of 529 plans, they think of a long-term savings strategy for college. However, there are a few states that allow individuals to take a state income tax deduction for contributions to a 529 plan, including Pennsylvania. This presents an opportunity for an additional 529 plan strategy that focuses more on short-term […]

Internally we have a fun debate about which is the better technology, Apple or Android. I will not tell you exactly where I fall but let’s just say I do not like apples…the fruit variety or the technology variety! Anyway, many stories will be shared for years about the uniqueness of this time period caused […]

I was enjoying a relaxing Sunday afternoon back on December 1st, 2019.  I decided to get the Christmas decorations out of the storage space in the garage.  The storage space is eight feet off the ground and I only have a six-foot stepladder. Can you see where the story is headed?  I climbed the ladder […]

Lost, Incorrect, or Missing Stimulus Payments
July 15, 2020

Ronald Reagan once famously quipped, “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: ‘I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.’ ” For the millions of Americans who have already received their Economic Impact Payments, (commonly called “stimulus payments”) these words may not have aged well. For the others, who are still […]

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