
Financial Guidance That Brings Clarity

Preparing for Tax Season
January 19, 2024

Mark Brinser shares insights for a smoother tax-filing season, including three key tax strategies that might not be fully reflected in standard tax documents.

Taxes are Due on Unemployment Benefits
September 4, 2020

This year is an anomaly, and your taxes might also be. But be prepared and pay those needed estimates. According to a June Bankrate.com survey, 49% of U.S. adults lamented, “their income has been hurt by the coronavirus pandemic and related shelter-in-place orders.” And as of August 8 of this year, the U.S. Department of […]

529 Plan: Tax Strategy
August 12, 2020

When most people think of 529 plans, they think of a long-term savings strategy for college. However, there are a few states that allow individuals to take a state income tax deduction for contributions to a 529 plan, including Pennsylvania. This presents an opportunity for an additional 529 plan strategy that focuses more on short-term […]

What Is A Fiduciary?
January 30, 2019

According to the Cornell Law Dictionary, “A fiduciary duty is the highest standard of care.” It entails always acting in your client’s best interest. A few years ago, the question of whether your financial advisor was acting as a fiduciary was one of the top of questions asked of all financial advisors. This issue was […]

A Simple Way to Save More in Taxes
October 5, 2018

On December 22, 2017, President Trump signed into law The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which was the most sweeping rewrite of the tax code in more than 30 years. While the provisions of this tax reform bill went into effect on January 1st of this year, most of the provisions affecting individuals are temporary […]