
Financial Guidance That Brings Clarity

With the unexpected passing of my husband, I’ve had a lot of unplanned decisions required of me. I’ve been very intentional about not making emotional decisions, but to be honest, how do you remove emotion? There are both rational and emotional elements to making financial decisions. “Research has found that negative emotions hit us with […]

Return on Life or Return on Investment?
January 9, 2020

As we reflect back on 2019, it is clear that the stock market had a great year. It feels good reviewing your end of year household balance statement and see your net worth growth due to the stock market, but what happens if the stock market is not so kind in 2020? After all, 2018 […]

What Is A Fiduciary?
January 30, 2019

According to the Cornell Law Dictionary, “A fiduciary duty is the highest standard of care.” It entails always acting in your client’s best interest. A few years ago, the question of whether your financial advisor was acting as a fiduciary was one of the top of questions asked of all financial advisors. This issue was […]

Contracts…lawyers love them, most people hate them. They are frequently filled with technical garbley-gook that most of us do not understand. They include fine print that people often feel set them up for no-win situations. However, there is one contract in particular that we believe you should be reading carefully, a retirement community agreement. Part […]

Why Is the Stock Market Acting so Crazy?
April 4, 2018

Is it political? Is it interest rates, or is it the weather?! While we have recently experienced high volatility, we have just come off of the longest period without a market downturn of 10 % or more. By the end of January of this year, the last six and a half years, have set a […]

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